• Chassis: PXIe-1086

  • CPU: PXIe-8880

  • Ethernet cards (x3): PXIe-8234

Compiled code

The code generated by the LSST_MainControllerPXI.lvproj must be copied to the /c/ni-rt/startup directory.

The content of /c/ni-rt/startup directory should look like this:

admin@TMA-PXI:/c/ni-rt/startup# ls -lh
total 65216
lrwxrwxrwx    1 admin    administ      22 Apr 25  2020 README_File_Paths.txt -> /README_File_Paths.txt
drwxrwxr-x    2 admin    administ    4.0K Dec 13 09:54 data/
drwxrwxr-x    3 admin    administ    4.0K Dec 13 09:54 project/
drwxrwxr-x    2 admin    administ    4.0K Jul  8 10:43 resource/
-rw-r--r--    1 admin    administ     296 Dec 13 09:54 startup.aliases
-rw-r--r--    1 admin    administ   63.7M Dec 13 09:54 startup.rtexe

Configuration files

This section explains the location and which are the configuration files needed for this PXI. All the same structure, the main configuration files are stored in the /c/Configuration directory, here some are then inside other directories to make things more clear. But each of them contains the specific configuration files for the code running in it.

TMA PXI /c/Configuration contents:

admin@TMA-PXI:/c/Configuration# ls -lR
total 36
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ        96 Nov  5  2021 ACWData.ini*
drwxrwxrwx    2 admin    administ      4096 Nov  5  2021 CAR_TCP/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ        95 Nov  5  2021 CCWData.ini*
drwxr-xr-x    2 admin    administ      4096 Jun  7 15:27 DiscreteStateReporting/
drwxrwxrwx    2 admin    administ      4096 Nov  5  2021 EIB/
drwxrwxrwx    2 admin    administ      4096 Nov  5  2021 Safety/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ       100 Jul 14 11:29 TMA_PXI_RT_MainConfig.ini*
drwxr-xr-x    2 admin    administ      4096 Apr 18  2022 TekNSVs/
drwxrwxrwx    2 admin    administ      4096 Nov  5  2021 axisManagementComm/

total 4
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ       574 Nov 18 17:38 CommandTCP_Config.xml*

total 4
-rwxr-xr-x    1 lvuser   ni             377 Nov 10 17:55 DiscreteStateReporting.json*

total 12
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ     11070 Nov  4 16:34 multi_ext.txt*

total 40
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ     23464 May  6  2022 Safety_ModBusMapping.txt*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ     10231 May  6  2022 Safety_ModBusMapping_ForReadWriteDefinition.txt*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ       128 Nov  5  2021 ServerConfig.ini*

total 64
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ       575 Nov 18 17:45 ReceiverConfig.xml*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ     51311 Apr 18  2022 TekNSVvariablesToCreate.json*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ       542 Apr  5  2022 VariablesToSubscribe.json*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ       672 Apr  5  2022 VariablesToSubscribeClientConfig.xml*

total 4
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ       707 Nov  5  2021 SenderConfig.xml*

Now each of the files is explained:

  • ACWData.ini: This file is automatically created if not existent, is used to store the active time of each of the ACW motors.

  • CCWData.ini: This file is automatically created if not existent, is used to store the active time of each of the CCW motors.

  • TMA_PXI_RT_MainConfig.ini: This file is automatically created if not existent, is used to define the general configuration. If empty the default values are used, this is the way it is created if nonexistent at boot.

  • ./CAR_TCP/CommandTCP_Config.xml: This file is necessary at boot, here the configuration for the TCP server used to communicate with the MtMountOperationManager is specified. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

  • ./DiscreteStateReporting/DiscreteStateReporting.json: This file is necessary at boot, here the configuration for the discrete state reporting task is specified. If not found the system will start but it won’t be managing the events properly, so duplicated events for the CSC could appear.

  • ./EIB/multi_ext.txt: This file could be placed at other location, but the setting EIB config file path that specifies the location must be updated accordingly.

  • ./Safety/Safety_ModBusMapping.txt: This file is necessary at boot, here the configuration for the safety modbus mapping (shared variables between the PXI and the PILZ) is defined. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

  • ./Safety/Safety_ModBusMapping_ForReadWriteDefinition.txt: This file is necessary at boot, here the configuration for the safety variables inside the PXI is defined. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

  • ./Safety/ServerConfig.ini: This file is necessary at boot, here the configuration for the modbus communication is specified. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

  • ./TekNSVs/ReceiverConfig.xml: This file is necessary at boot, here the configuration for the TCP server that sends the TekNSV variables to the EUI is specified. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

  • ./TekNSVs/TekNSVvariablesToCreate.json: This file is necessary at boot, this file defines the TekNSV variables to create just after starting the server, this prevents errors at boot in the EUI when launched too early. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

  • ./TekNSVs/VariablesToSubscribe.json: This file is necessary at boot, this file defines the TekNSV variables to read from the AUX PXI. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

  • ./TekNSVs/VariablesToSubscribeClientConfig.xml: This file is necessary at boot, here the configuration for the TCP client to connect to the TekNSV server in the AUX PXI is defined. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

  • ./axisManagementComm/SenderConfig.xml: This file is necessary at boot, here the configuration for the TCP client to connect to the AXES PXI server to send the low level commands to it. If not found at boot the code won’t startup.

The default configuration for all the necessary files listed here can be found in this repo inside the ESIFiles directory.


As this is the one that has the general information a specific section is created. This file can have multiple sections, as a *.ini file, it uses [sectionName] to divide the file.

  • log section: here the configuration for the logging is defined.

    • Path: the absolute path for the log files, it needs to have a main file name, a date is going to be added to it. Default value: /home/lvuser/log/MainLogFile.log

    • Active: a boolean “FALSE”/“TRUE” to disable/enable the logging. Default value: “TRUE”.

    Path = "/home/lvuser/log/MainTMA.log"
    Active = "TRUE"
  • TCPCMDReciver section: here the configuration for the HHD (hand held device) behavior is defined.

    • HHD Mode To Safety: this is a boolean value of TRUE/FALSE.

      • If TRUE (default), when the commander is the HHD this information is sent to the TMA IS (safety).

      • If FALSE, no information of the commander is sent to the TMA IS (safety).

    HHD Mode To Safety = FALSE
  • Settings Database section: here the configuration for connecting to the database is defined.

    • IP: the ip for the MCC machine that contains the database. Default: “”

    • Port: the port to connect to the database. Default: 3306

    • Timeout: the timeout for the connect in ms. Default: 500

    • ReadTimeout: the timeout for reading from the database in ms. Default: 500

    • UserName: the user name to connect to the database. Default: “root”

    • Password: the password to connect to the database. The default is the password for connecting to the database.

    • DataBase: the name of the database to connect to. Default: “lsst_settings”

    [Settings Database]
    IP = ""
    Port = 3306
    Timeout = 500
    ReadTimeout = 500
    UserName = "root"
    Password = "defaultPasswordValue"
    DataBase = "lsst_settings"
  • IPs section: here the IPs for connecting to the different device targets are defined.

    • tmaPxiIp: specify the IP of the TMA PXI here, if not defined the default value will be used. Default:

    • auxPxiIp: specify the IP of the AUX PXI here, if not defined the default value will be used. Default:

    • axesPxiIp: specify the IP of the AXES PXI here, if not defined the default value will be used. Default:

    • tmaIsIp: specify the IP of the TMA IS (safety PLC CPU module) here, if not defined the default value will be used. Default:

    • mcc: specify the IP of the MCC here, if not defined the default value will be used. Default:

    tmaPxiIp =
    auxPxiIp =
    axesPxiIp =
    tmaIsIp =
    mcc =


The shared libraries (SO) used by the code must be stored in /usr/local/lib.

TMA PXI /usr/local/lib contents:

admin@TMA-PXI:/usr/local/lib# ls -l
total 22020
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ   7397619 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ   8538815 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ   1182414 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ   1182414 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ     11128 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ     77770 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ   2273440 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ   1324454 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ    517200 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ     13672 Feb 15  2022*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 admin    administ      7824 Feb 15  2022*