State Machine

The behavior of the system is managed by the state machine. The state machine for main axes is shown in next diagram. The states with bold line are superstates that have substates inside. In order to make the state machine more understandable, for some superstates their inner substates are not shown, and the “Not shown substates inside” label is shown. Refer to the diagrams bellow to get information about the inner substates for those superstates.

For elevation axis the CW substates are skipeed.


state NoInternalErrors ##[bold]{
  state Idle  
  state On ##[bold] {
    state PoweringOn ##[bold]
    PoweringOn : Not shown substates inside
    state Enable
    state DiscreteMove
    state JogMove
    state Homing ##[bold]
    Homing : Not shown substates inside
    state Tracking
    state Stopping
    state PoweringOff ##[bold]
    PoweringOff : Not shown substates inside
    state Exit<<exitPoint>>
    [*] --> PoweringOn
    PoweringOn --> Enable
    Enable --> DiscreteMove : Move
    DiscreteMove --> Enable : MoveCompleted
    Enable --> JogMove : MoveVelocity
    JogMove --> Stopping : Stop
    Stopping -left-> Enable : StopCompleted
    Enable -right-> Homing : Home
    Enable --> Tracking : EnableTrack
    Homing -left-> Enable : HomeDone
    Homing -left-> Enable : HomeFailed  
    Tracking --> Stopping : Stop
    Enable -left-> PoweringOff : Power (off)
    PoweringOff -left-> Exit
  state Fault ##[bold]
  Fault : Not shown substates inside
  state Reset##[bold]
  Reset : Not shown substates inside

  [*] --> Idle
  Idle -down-> On : Power (on)
  On -left-> Fault : Alarm
  Fault -up-> Reset : Reset
  Idle -left-> Reset : Reset
  Reset -right-> Idle : ResetFinished
  Exit -up-> Idle

state InternalErrors ##[bold]
state CommandMemory
state Init

[*] -down-> CommandMemory
CommandMemory -down-> Init : MemoryOk
Init -down-> NoInternalErrors : InitOK
NoInternalErrors -up-> InternalErrors : Error
InternalErrors -left-> Init : Reset


For PoweringOn superstate the inner substates are shown in next diagram. All states named powering are states to power on elements.


state PoweringOn{
        state HornAndLight
        state ClearingErrorsEIB
        state PoweringEIB
        state ResettingAxis
        state ClearingErrorsCW
        state PoweringCW
        state ApplyOffset
        state EnablingElectricalAngleFromEncoder
        state EnablingAxis
        state EnablingTrackingCW
        state ReleasingBrakes

        [*] -->HornAndLight
        HornAndLight-->ClearingErrorsEIB : GoOn
        ClearingErrorsEIB-->PoweringEIB : ClearErrorsEIBDone
        PoweringEIB-->ResettingAxis : PowerEIBDone
        ResettingAxis-->ClearingErrorsCW : AxisResetDone
        ClearingErrorsCW --> PoweringCW : ClearErrorsCWDone
        PoweringCW-->ApplyOffset : PowerCWDone
        ApplyOffset-->EnablingElectricalAngleFromEncoder : GoOn
        EnablingElectricalAngleFromEncoder-->EnablingAxis : Timer
        EnablingAxis-->EnablingTrackingCW : AxisEnabled
        EnablingTrackingCW-->ReleasingBrakes : EnableTrackingCWDone
        ReleasingBrakes --> [*] :BrakesReleased


For PoweringOff superstate the inner substates are shown in next diagram. All states named powering are states to power off elements.

state PoweringOff{
      state DisablingAxis
      state EngagingBrake
      state ResettingDrives
      state StoppingCW
      state PoweringCW
      state PoweringEIB

      [*] --> DisablingAxis
      DisablingAxis --> EngagingBrake : AxisDisabled
      EngagingBrake --> ResettingDrives : BrakesEngaged
      ResettingDrives --> StoppingCW : Timer
      StoppingCW --> PoweringCW : CableWrapStopDone
      PoweringCW --> PoweringEIB : PowerCableWrapDone
      PoweringEIB --> [*] : PowerEIBDone


For Homing superstate the inner substates are shown in next diagram.

state Homing{
      state startingEIBreferenceMode
      state FindingReference
      state StoppingAxis
      state Stabilization
      state SetAbsolutionPosition
      state NoReferenceStopping
      state Join <<Join>>
      state StoppingReferencing

      startingEIBreferenceMode --> FindingReference : StartingEIBReferenceDone / StartMove
      FindingReference --> StoppingAxis : ReferenceFound
      StoppingAxis --> Stabilization : StopCompleted
      Stabilization --> SetAbsolutionPosition : Timer
      SetAbsolutionPosition --> [*] : GoOn
      FindingReference --> NoReferenceStopping : Stop
      FindingReference --> NoReferenceStopping : ReferenceFailed
      NoReferenceStopping --> Join : StopCompleted
      startingEIBreferenceMode --> Join : Stop
      Join --> StoppingReferencing : GoOn
      StoppingReferencing --> [*] : StoppingReferencingDone


Homing superstate

As described in the EIB hardware working, to get the absolute position of the encoder, a procedure where the axis is moved must be done. Then the obtained reference is applied to the axis manager in order to generate setpoints for absolute values. This superstate, is in charge of managing all the actions to get the system ready to work as absolute position commanding.

The first action of homing procedure is to ask the EIB task to start looking for the reference (see command sequence for more info). Once the EIB is ready, the axis is moved to search for the reference mark. When the reference is found the axis is stopped. Then the system just waits for a stabilization time. This time ensures that the telescope is fully stopped in the desired position. After this time the absolute position published by the axis (Axis control) of the last 50ms is obtained and the mean of that period is applied as absolute position. With the configured stabilization time the error between the actual absolute position and the controlled position is always bellow the noise level of the encoder heads.

Other states of the superstates allow stopping the homing process by the user or to handle a failed reference.