State Machine¶
The behavior of the system is managed by the state machine. The state machine is represented in the diagram below.
TODO: missing bypass doc
state Local
state Remote {
state NormalOperation {
state Automatic {
state "Idle" as autoIdle
state "PoweringOn" as poweringOn {
state "Cooling" as autoCoolingOn
state "OilCirculation" as autoOilOn
state "CoolingOilTank" as autoTankOn
state "MainPump" as autoPumpOn
state "CoolingBearings" as autoBearingsOn
[*] --> autoCoolingOn
autoCoolingOn --> autoOilOn
autoOilOn --> autoTankOn
autoTankOn --> autoPumpOn
autoPumpOn --> autoBearingsOn
autoBearingsOn --> [*]
state "PoweringOff" as poweringOff {
state "Cooling" as autoCoolingOff
state "OilCirculation" as autoOilOff
state "MainPump" as autoPumpOff
[*] --> autoPumpOff
autoPumpOff --> autoOilOff
autoOilOff --> autoCoolingOff
autoCoolingOff --> [*]
state "Enable" as autoEnable
[*] -l-> autoIdle
autoIdle --> poweringOn
poweringOn --> autoEnable
autoEnable --> poweringOff
poweringOff --> autoIdle
state Manual {
state "Idle" as manualIdle
state "Cooling\PoweringOn" as coolingOn
state "Cooling\PoweringOff" as coolingOff
state "Cooling\PoweringLocal" as coolingLocal
state "Cooling\Enable" as coolingEnable
state "OilCirculation\PoweringOn" as oilOn
state "OilCirculation\PoweringOff" as oilOff
state "OilCirculation\PoweringLocal" as oilLocal
state "OilCirculation\Enable" as oilEnable
state "MainPump\PoweringOn" as pumpOn
state "MainPump\PoweringOff" as pumpOff
state "MainPump\PoweringLocal" as pumpLocal
state "MainPump\Enable" as pumpEnable
[*] -l-> manualIdle
manualIdle --> coolingOn
manualIdle -r-> coolingLocal
coolingOn -u-> coolingOff
coolingOff --> manualIdle
coolingOn --> coolingEnable
coolingLocal --> coolingEnable
coolingLocal --> coolingOn
coolingLocal --> coolingOff
coolingEnable --> coolingOff
coolingEnable --> oilLocal
coolingEnable --> oilOn
oilOn --> oilOff
oilOn --> oilEnable
oilOff --> coolingEnable
oilLocal --> oilOn
oilLocal --> oilOff
oilLocal --> oilEnable
oilEnable --> pumpLocal
oilEnable -r-> oilOff
oilEnable --> pumpOn
pumpOn --> pumpOff
pumpOn --> pumpEnable
pumpOff --> oilEnable
pumpLocal --> pumpOn
pumpLocal --> pumpOff
pumpLocal --> pumpEnable
pumpEnable -u-> pumpOff
state ChangingOperation
manualIdle --u--> ChangingOperation
Manual <---- ChangingOperation
autoIdle --u--> ChangingOperation
Automatic <---- ChangingOperation
state Fault
state ResettingEvents
NormalOperation -l-> Fault
manualIdle -u---> ResettingEvents
Manual <---- ResettingEvents
autoIdle ----> ResettingEvents
Fault ----> ResettingEvents
state InternalErrors
[*] --> CommandMemory
CommandMemory --> InitActions : MemoryOk
InitActions --> Remote : InitOK
Remote -l-> InternalErrors : Error
Remote -r-> Local
The two triggers that come out of the on state and go back to it are static reactions inside the on state to “enable” the alarms after certain time.