This component is the one sending events to the mtmount_operation_manager. This is done using the TCP server component.
Events list¶
All the events generated in the PXI can have an additional field defined as “commander” with the values -> “0”: “None”, “1”: “TCS”, “2”: “EUI”, “3”: “HHD”. This field is only used by the mtmount_operation_manager to send the event only to that commander. If this field is not present the event is sent to all the commanders connected to the mtmount_operation_manager.
Events list:
This event reports the occurred warnings. See example below:
"id": 10,
"timestamp": 0.000000,
"parameters": {
"name": "",
"subsystemId": 0,
"subsystemInstance": "",
"active": false,
"code": 0,
"description": ""
name is a string that contains the alarm name.
subsystemId is an int that contains the id of the subsystem.
subsystemInstance is an string that contains the instance name.
active is a boolean that reports if the alarm is active.
code an int for the alarm code.
description is an string that contains the alarm description.
This event reports the occurred alarms. See example below:
"id": 11,
"timestamp": 0.000000,
"parameters": {
"name": "",
"subsystemId": 0,
"subsystemInstance": "",
"active": false,
"latched": false,
"code": 0,
"description": ""
name is a string that contains the alarm name.
subsystemId is an int that contains the id of the subsystem.
subsystemInstance is an string that contains the instance name.
active is a boolean that reports if the alarm is active.
latched is a boolean that reports if the alarm is latched.
code an int for the alarm code.
description is an string that contains the alarm description.
This event reports the actual commander. See example below:
"id": 20,
"timestamp": 3701058211.501903,
"parameters": {
"actualCommander": 0
actualCommander enum:
"<color:blue><b>actualCommander": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "None",
"1": "TCS",
"2": "EUI",
"3": "HHD"
This event reports the status of the safety interlocks. See example below:
"id": 30,
"timestamp": 3703752871.185384,
"parameters": {
"causes": 0,
"subcausesEmergencyStop": 0,
"subcausesLimitSwitch": 0,
"subcausesDeployablePlatform": 0,
"subcausesDoorHatchLadder": 0,
"subcausesMirrorCover": 0,
"subcausesLockingPin": 0,
"subcausesCapacitorDoor": 0,
"subcausesBrakesFailed": 0,
"effects": 0
causes: is a bit mask for the safety causes. (u64)
subcausesEmergencyStop: is a bit mask for the emergency stop trip buttons. (u64)
subcausesLimitSwitch: is a bit mask for the limits switches. (u64)
subcausesDeployablePlatform: is a bit mask for the deployable platform switches. (u64)
subcausesDoorHatchLadder: is a bit mask for the Doors, hatches and ladders status. (u64)
subcausesMirrorCover: is a bit mask for the mirror cover power off switches. (u64)
subcausesLockingPin: is a bit mask for the locking pin positions. (u64)
subcausesCapacitorDoor: is a bit mask for the phase capacitor banks doors. (u64)
subcausesBrakesFailed: is a bit mask for the brakes that failed. (u64)
effects: is a bit mask for the safety effects. (u64)
In next points the bit mask for each number is shown.
Causes word bit mask¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
AZlimP |
Azimuth Positive power off limit switch AND topple block pos A |
1 |
AZlimN |
Azimuth Negative power off limit switch AND topple block pos B |
2 |
AZoverspeed |
AZ Overspeed |
3 |
AZpressBrk |
AZ press brake |
4 |
AZbrake |
AZ brake NO actuated |
5 |
ELlimP |
Elevation Positive power off limit switch |
6 |
ELlimN |
Elevation Negative power off limit switch |
7 |
ELoverspeed |
EL Overspeed |
8 |
ELpressBrk |
EL press brake |
9 |
ELbrake |
EL brake NO actuated |
10 |
MCclosed |
Mirror cover position NO Closed |
11 |
MCcutOffSwitch |
Mirror cover manual locked power cut-off switch |
12 |
AZCWlimP |
AZ cable wrap lim + |
13 |
AZCWlimN |
AZ cable wrap lim - |
14 |
ELlockIns |
EL locking pin inserted |
15 |
ELlockTest |
EL locking pin test position |
16 |
ELlockRet |
EL locking pin retracted |
17 |
DoorClosed |
Azimuth platform Access door NO closed |
18 |
DoorLadParked |
Access door ladder NO parked |
19 |
HatchClosed |
Central Section Hatches NO closed |
20 |
DPnoparked |
Platform NO parking |
21 |
DPnoextended |
Platform NO total extended |
22 |
DPextnoInserted |
Platform extension NO inserted |
23 |
PullCordP |
Camera Cable Wrap Safety device limit positive(Pull cord) |
24 |
PullCordN |
Camera Cable Wrap Safety device limit negative(Pull cord) |
25 |
ETPBtma |
26 |
ETPBphase |
ETPB Phase |
27 |
OSSbad |
OSS malfunction |
28 |
CapBankNoClosed |
Any Capacitor cabinet NO closed |
29 |
Watchdog |
MCS watchdog |
30 |
LossComm |
Loss communication |
31 |
PierAccess |
GIS Unauthorized Pier access |
32 |
DischargeCapacitor |
GIS Discharge Capacitors Bank |
33 |
DisableOther |
GIS disable other equipment |
34 |
MainDrivesSto |
GIS Main drives-STO and engage the brakes |
35 |
CcwSTO |
GIS Camera cable wrap drives STO |
Subcauses Emergency Stop¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
sdiETMCS |
ETPB for Startup or CCWAUX Cabinet |
1 |
sdiETAZBP1 |
ETPB Azimuth area +X beam 1 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0001) or CCWAUX HandHeld |
2 |
sdiETAZBP2 |
ETPB Azimuth area +X beam 2 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0002) |
3 |
sdiETAZBP3 |
ETPB Azimuth area +X beam 3 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0003) |
4 |
sdiETAZSP1 |
ETPB Azimuth stair +X section 1 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0004) |
5 |
sdiETAZSP2 |
ETPB Azimuth stair +X section 2 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0005) |
6 |
sdiETAZSP3 |
ETPB Azimuth stair +X section 3 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0006) |
7 |
sdiETDP1 |
ETPB Deployable platform +X (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0007) |
8 |
sdiETHHD1 |
ETPB Handheld emergency 1 (TMA-AZ-CS-CBT-0102) |
9 |
sdiETHHD2 |
ETPB Handheld emergency 2 (TMA-AZ-CS-CBT-0103) |
10 |
ETPB Phase cabinet (TMA-AZ-DR-CBT-0001) |
11 |
sdiETAZBN1 |
ETPB Azimuth area -X beam 1 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0008) |
12 |
sdiETAZBN2 |
ETPB Azimuth area -X beam 2 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0009) |
13 |
sdiETAZBN3 |
ETPB Azimuth area -X beam 3 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0010) |
14 |
sdiETAZSN1 |
ETPB Azimuth stair -X section 1 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0011) |
15 |
sdiETAZSN2 |
ETPB Azimuth stair -X section 2 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0012) |
16 |
sdiETAZSN3 |
ETPB Azimuth stair -X section 3 (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0013) |
17 |
sdiETDP2 |
ETPB Deployable platform -X (TMA-AZ-IS-PSB-0014) |
18 |
sdiETELRP1 |
ETPB Elevation ring +X section 1 (TMA-EL-IS-PSB-0001) |
19 |
sdiETELRP2 |
ETPB Elevation ring +X section 2 (TMA-EL-IS-PSB-0005) |
20 |
sdiETELRP3 |
ETPB Elevation ring +X section 3 (TMA-EL-IS-PSB-0006) |
21 |
sdiETELPP1 |
ETPB Elevation +X pylon 1 (TMA-EL-IS-PSB-0002) |
22 |
sdiETELPP2 |
ETPB Elevation +X pylon 2 |
23 |
sdiETTEA1 |
ETPB Elevation +X TEA 1 (TMA-EL-IS-PSB-0008) |
24 |
sdiETTEA2 |
ETPB Elevation +X TEA 2 (TMA-EL-IS-PSB-0009) |
25 |
sdiETHHD3 |
ETPB Handheld emergency 3 (TMA-EL-CS-CBT-0103) |
26 |
sdiETELRN1 |
ETPB Elevation ring -X section 1 () |
27 |
sdiETELRN2 |
ETPB Elevation ring -X section 2 (TMA-EL-IS-PSB-0003) |
28 |
sdiETELRN3 |
ETPB Elevation ring -X section 3 |
29 |
sdiETELPN1 |
ETPB Elevation -X pylon 1 |
30 |
sdiETELPN2 |
ETPB Elevation -X pylon 2 |
31 |
sdiETTEA3 |
ETPB Elevation -X TEA 3 (TMA-EL-IS-PSB-0007) |
32 |
sdiETTEA4 |
ETPB Elevation -X TEA 4 |
33 |
sdiETHHD4 |
ETPB Handheld emergency 4 (TMA-EL-CBT-0104) |
34 |
sdiETACWT1 |
ETPB AZCW handrail top floor 1 (TMA-PI-IS-PSB-0001) |
35 |
sdiETACWT2 |
ETPB AZCW handrail top floor 2 (TMA-PI-IS-PSB-0002) |
36 |
sdiETACWT3 |
ETPB AZCW handrail top floor 3 (TMA-PI-IS-PSB-0003) |
37 |
sdiETACWM1 |
ETPB AZCW handrail middle floor 1 (TMA-PI-IS-PSB-0004) |
38 |
sdiETACWM2 |
ETPB AZCW handrail middle floor 2 (TMA-PI-IS-PSB-0005) |
39 |
sdiETACWM3 |
ETPB AZCW handrail middle floor 3 (TMA-PI-IS-PSB-0006) |
Subcauses Limit Switch¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
Elevation Positive power off limit switch (TMA-EL-IS-CPD-0005) |
1 |
Elevation Negative power off limit switch (TMA-EL-IS-CPD-0006) |
2 |
Azimuth Positive power off limit switch (TMA-PI-IS-CPD-0003) |
3 |
Azimuth Negative power off limit switch (TMA-PI-IS-CPD-0004) |
4 |
Azimuth Cable Wrap Positive limit switch (TMA-AZ-IS-CPD-5001) |
5 |
Azimuth Cable Wrap Negative limit switch (TMA-AZ-IS-CPD-5002) |
6 |
sdiMLSP |
CCW Movement positive limit (Pull cord) (TMA-EL-CS-CBT-0105_cable:320W3) |
7 |
sdiMLSN |
CCW Movement negative limit (Pull cord) (TMA-EL-CS-CBT-0105_cable:320W4) |
8 |
sdiSW1HS1 |
Hard stop 1 topple block LS1 (TMA-PI-IS-CPD-0001) |
9 |
sdiSW1HS2 |
Hard stop 2 topple block LS1 (TMA-PI-IS-CPD-0002) |
Subcauses Deployable Platforms¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
sdiSWExtended1DPxP |
Deployable Platform X plus Module 1 Extended Position |
1 |
sdiSWExtended2DPxP |
Deployable Platform X plus Module 2 Extended Position |
2 |
sdiSWExtended1DPxN |
Deployable Platform X minus Module 1 Extended Position |
3 |
sdiSWExtended2DPxN |
Deployable Platform X minus Module 2 Extended Position |
4 |
sdiSWEXTinsM2DPxP |
Deployable Platform X plus Extension M2 Inserted Position |
5 |
sdiSWEXTinsM1M3DPxP |
Deployable Platform X plus Extension M1M3 Inserted Position |
6 |
sdiSWEXTinsM2DPxN |
Deployable Platform X minus Extension M2 Inserted Position |
7 |
sdiSWEXTinsM1M3DPxN |
Deployable Platform X minus Extension M1M3 Inserted Position |
8 |
Deployable Platform X plus Module 1 Parking Position (TMA-AZ-DA-CPD-0001) |
9 |
Deployable Platform X plus Module 2 Parking Position (TMA-AZ-DA-CPD-0002) |
10 |
Deployable Platform X plus Extension 1 Inserted and blocked Position (TMA-AZ-DA-CPD-0003) |
11 |
Deployable Platform X plus Extension 2 Inserted and blocked Position (TMA-AZ-DA-CPD-0004) |
12 |
Deployable Platform X minus Module 1 Parking Position (TMA-AZ-DB-CPD-0001) |
13 |
Deployable Platform X minus Module 2 Parking Position (TMA-AZ-DB-CPD-0002) |
14 |
Deployable Platform X minus Extension 1 Inserted and blocked Position (TMA-AZ-DB-CPD-0003) |
16 |
Deployable Platform X minus Extension 2 Inserted and blocked Position (TMA-AZ-DB-CPD-0004) |
Subcauses Doors Hatches and Ladders¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
AZ platform access Door switch 1 (TMA-AZ-IS-CPD-0001) |
1 |
AZ platform access Door switch 2 (TMA-AZ-IS-CPD-0003) |
2 |
Access door 1 ladder parker position (TMA-AZ-IS-CPD-0002) |
3 |
Access door 2 ladder parker position (TMA-AZ-IS-CPD-0004) |
4 |
Hatch switch 1 (TMA-EL-CS-CPD-0001) |
5 |
Hatch switch 2 (TMA-EL-CS-CPD-0002) |
6 |
Hatch switch 3 (TMA-EL-CS-CPD-0003) |
7 |
Hatch switch 4 (TMA-EL-CS-CPD-0004) |
Subcauses Mirror Cover¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
Mirror cover 1 assembly locked manual switch off (TMA-EL-IS-SEL-0002) |
1 |
Mirror cover 2 assembly locked manual switch off (TMA-EL-IS-SEL-0001) |
Subcauses Locking Pins¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
Elevation Locking Pin 1 Inserted (TMA-AZ-LP-CPD-0001) |
1 |
Elevation Locking Pin 1 Test (TMA-AZ-LP-CPD-0002) |
2 |
Elevation Locking Pin 1 Retracted (TMA-AZ-LP-CPD-0003) |
3 |
Elevation Locking Pin 2 Inserted (TMA-AZ-LP-CPD-0004) |
4 |
Elevation Locking Pin 2 Test (TMA-AZ-LP-CPD-0005) |
5 |
Elevation Locking Pin 2 Retracted (TMA-AZ-LP-CPD-0006) |
Subcauses Capacitor Banks Doors¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
Phase Capacitor cabinet 1 Door switch 1-8 (TMA-AZ-DR-CPB-0001) |
1 |
Phase Capacitor cabinet 2 Door switch 1-8 (TMA-AZ-DR-CPB-0002) |
2 |
Phase Capacitor cabinet 3 Door switch 1-8 (TMA-AZ-DR-CPB-0003) |
3 |
Phase Capacitor cabinet 4 Door switch 1-8 (TMA-AZ-DR-CPB-0004) |
4 |
Phase Capacitor cabinet 5 Door switch 1-8 (TMA-AZ-DR-CPB-0005) |
5 |
Phase Capacitor cabinet 6 Door switch 1-8 (TMA-AZ-DR-CPB-0006) |
6 |
Phase Capacitor cabinet 7 Door switch 1-8 (TMA-AZ-DR-CPB-0007) |
7 |
Phase Capacitor cabinet 8 Door switch 1-8 (TMA-AZ-DR-CPB-0008) |
Subcauses Brakes Failed¶
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
failedBRKPRE1 |
Brake pressure 1 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-CPM-5035) |
1 |
failedBRKPRE2 |
Brake pressure 2 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-CPM-5047) |
2 |
failedBRKPRE3 |
Brake pressure 3 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-CPM-5048) |
3 |
failedBRKPRE4 |
Brake pressure 4 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-CPM-5055) |
4 |
failedBRKPRE5 |
Brake pressure 5 failed (TMA-EL-OS-CPM-5024) |
5 |
failedBRKPRE6 |
Brake pressure 6 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-AAA-5301) |
6 |
failedBRKPRE7 |
Brake pressure 7 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-CPM-5017) |
7 |
failedBRKPRE8 |
Brake pressure 8 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-CPM-5018) |
8 |
failedBRKPRE9 |
Brake pressure 9 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-CPM-5024) |
9 |
failedBRKPRE10 |
Brake pressure 10 failed (TMA-AZ-OS-CPM-5035) |
Bit |
Signal Name |
Description |
0 |
stoAZ |
STO and brake Azimuth |
1 |
stoEL |
STO and brake Elevation |
2 |
stoAZCW |
3 |
stoCCW |
4 |
stoBS |
STO Balancing System |
5 |
stoMC |
STO Mirror Cover |
6 |
stoLockPin |
STO Locking pins |
7 |
stoDP |
STO Deployable Platforms |
8 |
lockDPext |
STO Platforms extension |
9 |
PhaseCutOff |
Phase Cutoff power |
10 |
PhaseDisch |
Phase Discharge capacitors |
11 |
HASoss |
Fast SKF Pressure Off |
12 |
lockPullCord |
Camera cable wrap safety device actuated pullcord (to GIS) |
13 |
EmergencyTripped |
TMA ETPBs (to GIS detection) |
14 |
MainAxisBrakesNotEngaged |
TMA brakes Not Engaged (to GIS) |
15 |
FailedMCS |
Failed MCS watchdog o loss communication (to GIS) |
16 |
SOSoss |
Slow SKF Pressure off |
This is an event that reports the actual applied settings.
Subset of the event as an example:
"id": 40,
"timestamp": 3697779303.717949,
"parameters": {
"setName": "thisWouldBeTheActualSetName",
"allSettingsMatchSet": false,
"Balancing": {
"Balancing1": {
"BalancePosition": 0.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 0.00,
"DefaultJerk": 0.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 0.00,
"FirstSidePosition": 0.00,
"IdString": "This is the identifier for the cover in string format.",
"LastSidePosition": 0.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 0.00,
"MaxPosition": 0.00,
"MaxPositionLimit": 0.00,
"MaxSpeed": 0.00,
"MinPosition": 0.00,
"MinPositionLimit": 0.00,
"MotorId": 0.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": 0.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 0.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 0.00,
"OntransTimeout": 0.00,
"Resettingtime": 0.00,
"Slewthreshold": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 0.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 0.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "This is the identifier for the system used when publishing the Alarm source."
"Balancing2": {
"BalancePosition": 0.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 0.00,
"DefaultJerk": 0.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 0.00,
"FirstSidePosition": 0.00,
"IdString": "This is the identifier for the cover in string format.",
"LastSidePosition": 0.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 0.00,
"MaxPosition": 0.00,
"MaxPositionLimit": 0.00,
"MaxSpeed": 0.00,
"MinPosition": 0.00,
"MinPositionLimit": 0.00,
"MotorId": 0.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": 0.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 0.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 0.00,
"OntransTimeout": 0.00,
"Resettingtime": 0.00,
"Slewthreshold": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 0.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 0.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "This is the identifier for the system used when publishing the Alarm source."
"Balancing3": {
"BalancePosition": 0.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 0.00,
"DefaultJerk": 0.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 0.00,
"FirstSidePosition": 0.00,
"IdString": "This is the identifier for the cover in string format.",
"LastSidePosition": 0.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 0.00,
"MaxPosition": 0.00,
"MaxPositionLimit": 0.00,
"MaxSpeed": 0.00,
"MinPosition": 0.00,
"MinPositionLimit": 0.00,
"MotorId": 0.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": 0.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 0.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 0.00,
"OntransTimeout": 0.00,
"Resettingtime": 0.00,
"Slewthreshold": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 0.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 0.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "This is the identifier for the system used when publishing the Alarm source."
"Balancing4": {
"BalancePosition": 0.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 0.00,
"DefaultJerk": 0.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 0.00,
"FirstSidePosition": 0.00,
"IdString": "This is the identifier for the cover in string format.",
"LastSidePosition": 0.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 0.00,
"MaxPosition": 0.00,
"MaxPositionLimit": 0.00,
"MaxSpeed": 0.00,
"MinPosition": 0.00,
"MinPositionLimit": 0.00,
"MotorId": 0.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": 0.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 0.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 0.00,
"OntransTimeout": 0.00,
"Resettingtime": 0.00,
"Slewthreshold": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 0.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 0.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "This is the identifier for the system used when publishing the Alarm source."
"BoschSystem": {
"Address": "This is the IP address of the MLC.",
"Changetoparking": false,
"ParkingMotorId1": false,
"ParkingMotorId10": false,
"ParkingMotorId11": false,
"ParkingMotorId12": false,
"ParkingMotorId13": false,
"ParkingMotorId14": false,
"ParkingMotorId15": false,
"ParkingMotorId16": false,
"ParkingMotorId17": false,
"ParkingMotorId18": false,
"ParkingMotorId19": false,
"ParkingMotorId2": false,
"ParkingMotorId20": false,
"ParkingMotorId21": false,
"ParkingMotorId22": false,
"ParkingMotorId3": false,
"ParkingMotorId4": false,
"ParkingMotorId5": false,
"ParkingMotorId6": false,
"ParkingMotorId7": false,
"ParkingMotorId8": false,
"ParkingMotorId9": false,
"Password": "This is the password to connect to the MLC.",
"User": "This is the user account to connect to the MLC."
"CW": {
"ACW": {
"AzimuthDeviation": 0.00,
"AzimuthDeviationOverride": false,
"CriticalAzimuthDeviation": 0.00,
"CriticalSpeedLimit": 0.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 0.00,
"DefaultJerk": 0.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 0.00,
"ForceDriveSelection": false,
"ForcedDrive": 0.00,
"IdString1": "This is the identifier for the Motor 1 in string format.",
"IdString2": "This is the identifier for the Motor 2 in string format.",
"MaxAcceleration": 0.00,
"MaxJerk": 0.00,
"MaxPosition": 0.00,
"MaxSoftwareLimit": 0.00,
"MaxSpeed": 0.00,
"MinPosition": 0.00,
"MinSoftwareLimit": 0.00,
"Motor1Id": 0.00,
"Motor2Id": 0.00,
"MotorTimerFilePath": "Path for the file where using time of each motor will be saved",
"MoveTransTimemargin": 0.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 0.00,
"OntransTimeout": 0.00,
"PositionOffset": 0.00,
"Resettingtime": 0.00,
"RotationSense": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 0.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "This is the identifier for the system used when publishing the Alarm source.",
"TrackingAcceleration": 0.00,
"TrackingJerk": 0.00,
"TrackingQueueSize": 0.00,
"TrackingSpeed": 0.00,
"TrackingTimeOffset": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitForDataBeforeError": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitForFirstTrackSetpointError": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitTimeForCheckSetpoint": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitTimeIfNoDataInQueue": 0.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"CCW": {
"CameraDeviation": 0.00,
"CameraDeviationOverride": false,
"CriticalAzimuthDeviation": 0.00,
"CriticalSpeedLimit": 0.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 0.00,
"DefaultJerk": 0.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 0.00,
"ForceDriveSelection": false,
"ForcedDrive": 0.00,
"IdString1": "This is the identifier for the Motor 1 in string format.",
"IdString2": "This is the identifier for the Motor 2 in string format.",
"LimitSwitchOverride": false,
"MaxAcceleration": 0.00,
"MaxJerk": 0.00,
"MaxPosition": 0.00,
"MaxSoftwareLimit": 0.00,
"MaxSpeed": 0.00,
"MinPosition": 0.00,
"MinSoftwareLimit": 0.00,
"Motor1Id": 0.00,
"Motor2Id": 0.00,
"MotorTimerFilePath": "Path for the file where using time of each motor will be saved",
"MoveTransTimemargin": 0.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 0.00,
"OntransTimeout": 0.00,
"PositionOffset": 0.00,
"Resettingtime": 0.00,
"RotationSense": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 0.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "This is the identifier for the system used when publishing the Alarm source.",
"TrackingAcceleration": 0.00,
"TrackingJerk": 0.00,
"TrackingQueueSize": 0.00,
"TrackingSpeed": 0.00,
"TrackingTimeOffset": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitForDataBeforeError": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitForFirstTrackSetpointError": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitTimeForCheckSetpoint": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitTimeIfNoDataInQueue": 0.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
Complete event data:
"id": 40,
"timestamp": 3714044305.978097,
"parameters": {
"setName": "thisWouldBeTheActualSettingSetName",
"allSettingsMatchSet": false,
"Balancing": {
"Balancing1": {
"BalancePosition": 400.02,
"DefaultAcceleration": 1500.00,
"DefaultJerk": 3000.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 25.00,
"FirstSidePosition": -4.00,
"IdString": "0. X-",
"LastSidePosition": 1295.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 32.00,
"MaxPosition": 1300.00,
"MaxPositionLimit": 1300.00,
"MaxSpeed": 31.00,
"MinPosition": -6.00,
"MinPositionLimit": -6.00,
"MotorId": 15.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 150.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 10000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 10000.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"Slewthreshold": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 31.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "1100.BAL"
"Balancing2": {
"BalancePosition": 300.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 1500.00,
"DefaultJerk": 3000.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 25.00,
"FirstSidePosition": -4.00,
"IdString": "0. X+",
"LastSidePosition": 1298.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 32.00,
"MaxPosition": 1300.00,
"MaxPositionLimit": 1300.00,
"MaxSpeed": 31.00,
"MinPosition": -10.00,
"MinPositionLimit": -10.00,
"MotorId": 13.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 150.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 10000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 10000.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"Slewthreshold": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 31.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "1100.BAL"
"Balancing3": {
"BalancePosition": 200.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 1500.00,
"DefaultJerk": 3000.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 25.00,
"FirstSidePosition": 0.00,
"IdString": "90. X-",
"LastSidePosition": 1080.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 32.00,
"MaxPosition": 1085.00,
"MaxPositionLimit": 1085.00,
"MaxSpeed": 31.00,
"MinPosition": -3.00,
"MinPositionLimit": -3.00,
"MotorId": 16.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 150.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 10000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 10000.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"Slewthreshold": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 31.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "1100.BAL"
"Balancing4": {
"BalancePosition": 100.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 1500.00,
"DefaultJerk": 3000.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 25.00,
"FirstSidePosition": 0.00,
"IdString": "90. X+",
"LastSidePosition": 1080.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 32.00,
"MaxPosition": 1085.00,
"MaxPositionLimit": 1085.00,
"MaxSpeed": 31.00,
"MinPosition": -3.00,
"MinPositionLimit": -3.00,
"MotorId": 14.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 150.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 10000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 10000.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"Slewthreshold": 0.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 31.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00,
"Systemsource": "1100.BAL"
"BoschSystem": {
"Address": "",
"Changetoparking": false,
"ParkingMotorId1": false,
"ParkingMotorId10": false,
"ParkingMotorId11": false,
"ParkingMotorId12": false,
"ParkingMotorId13": false,
"ParkingMotorId14": false,
"ParkingMotorId15": false,
"ParkingMotorId16": false,
"ParkingMotorId17": false,
"ParkingMotorId18": false,
"ParkingMotorId19": false,
"ParkingMotorId2": false,
"ParkingMotorId20": false,
"ParkingMotorId21": false,
"ParkingMotorId22": false,
"ParkingMotorId3": false,
"ParkingMotorId4": false,
"ParkingMotorId5": false,
"ParkingMotorId6": false,
"ParkingMotorId7": false,
"ParkingMotorId8": false,
"ParkingMotorId9": false,
"Password": "administrator",
"User": "administrator"
"CW": {
"ACW": {
"AzimuthDeviation": 5.00,
"AzimuthDeviationOverride": true,
"CriticalAzimuthDeviation": 8.00,
"CriticalSpeedLimit": 15.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 15.00,
"DefaultJerk": 70.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 12.00,
"ForceDriveSelection": false,
"ForcedDrive": 1.00,
"IdString1": "Motor 1",
"IdString2": "Motor 2",
"MaxAcceleration": 11.00,
"MaxJerk": 48.00,
"MaxPosition": 280.00,
"MaxSoftwareLimit": 281.00,
"MaxSpeed": 14.00,
"MinPosition": -280.00,
"MinSoftwareLimit": -281.00,
"Motor1Id": 1.00,
"Motor2Id": 2.00,
"MotorTimerFilePath": "c:\\Configuration\\ACWData.ini",
"MoveTransTimemargin": 140.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 5000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 10000.00,
"PositionOffset": 0.00,
"Resettingtime": 2000.00,
"RotationSense": 1.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 12.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 4000.00,
"Systemsource": "300.ACW",
"TrackingAcceleration": 10.00,
"TrackingJerk": 48.00,
"TrackingQueueSize": 3000.00,
"TrackingSpeed": 10.00,
"TrackingTimeOffset": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitForDataBeforeError": 1300.00,
"TrackingWaitForFirstTrackSetpointError": 500.00,
"TrackingWaitTimeForCheckSetpoint": 5000.00,
"TrackingWaitTimeIfNoDataInQueue": 500.00,
"Waitafterreset": 100.00
"CCW": {
"CameraDeviation": 0.90,
"CameraDeviationOverride": true,
"CriticalAzimuthDeviation": 1.00,
"CriticalSpeedLimit": 6.00,
"DefaultAcceleration": 1.00,
"DefaultJerk": 6.00,
"DefaultSpeed": 3.50,
"ForceDriveSelection": false,
"ForcedDrive": 1.00,
"IdString1": "Motor 1",
"IdString2": "Motor 2",
"Inpositionmargin": 0.20,
"LimitSwitchOverride": false,
"MaxAcceleration": 1.00,
"MaxJerk": 7.00,
"MaxPosition": 90.00,
"MaxSoftwareLimit": 91.00,
"MaxSpeed": 5.60,
"MinPosition": -90.00,
"MinSoftwareLimit": -91.00,
"Motor1Id": 3.00,
"Motor2Id": 4.00,
"MotorTimerFilePath": "c:\\Configuration\\CCWData.ini",
"MoveTransTimemargin": 140.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 5000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 10000.00,
"PositionOffset": 0.00,
"Resettingtime": 2000.00,
"RotationSense": 1.00,
"SoftwareLimitOverride": false,
"SpeedLimit": 6.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 4000.00,
"Systemsource": "1000.CCW",
"TrackingAcceleration": 1.00,
"TrackingJerk": 6.00,
"TrackingQueueSize": 3000.00,
"TrackingSpeed": 3.50,
"TrackingTimeOffset": 0.00,
"TrackingWaitForDataBeforeError": 230.00,
"TrackingWaitForFirstTrackSetpointError": 500.00,
"TrackingWaitTimeForCheckSetpoint": 5000.00,
"TrackingWaitTimeIfNoDataInQueue": 500.00,
"Waitafterreset": 100.00
"DeployablePlatform": {
"DeployablePlatform1": {
"ErrorTimeoutMargin": 1.50,
"IdString": "DP X+",
"MaxPlatformPosition1": 2345.00,
"MaxPlatformPosition2": 2415.00,
"MinPlatformPosition1": -5.00,
"MinPlatformPosition2": -5.00,
"MotorIdPlatform1": 17.00,
"MotorIdPlatform2": 18.00,
"PlatformAcceleration": 98.00,
"PlatformDeceleration": 98.00,
"PlatformJerk": 100.00,
"PlatformMaxCriticalVelocity": 110.00,
"PlatformMaxVelocity": 105.00,
"PlatformVelocity": 98.00,
"Timeoutlockextension": 20000.00,
"Timeoutmovemargin": 150.00,
"Timeoutpoweroff": 3000.00,
"Timeoutpoweron": 3000.00,
"Timeoutreset": 3000.00,
"Timeoutstop": 3000.00,
"Enableextensionlockguard": true,
"MaxElevationAngle": 10.00,
"MinElevationAngle": -10.00,
"Systemsource": "1200.DP"
"DeployablePlatform2": {
"ErrorTimeoutMargin": 1.50,
"IdString": "DP X-",
"MaxPlatformPosition1": 2345.00,
"MaxPlatformPosition2": 2415.00,
"MinPlatformPosition1": -5.00,
"MinPlatformPosition2": -5.00,
"MotorIdPlatform1": 21.00,
"MotorIdPlatform2": 22.00,
"PlatformAcceleration": 98.00,
"PlatformDeceleration": 98.00,
"PlatformJerk": 100.00,
"PlatformMaxCriticalVelocity": 110.00,
"PlatformMaxVelocity": 105.00,
"PlatformVelocity": 98.00,
"Timeoutlockextension": 20000.00,
"Timeoutmovemargin": 150.00,
"Timeoutpoweroff": 3000.00,
"Timeoutpoweron": 3000.00,
"Timeoutreset": 3000.00,
"Timeoutstop": 3000.00,
"Enableextensionlockguard": true,
"MaxElevationAngle": 10.00,
"MinElevationAngle": -10.00,
"Systemsource": "1200.DP"
"EncoderSystem": {
"Head1": {
"AzimuthCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"AzimuthHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"AzimuthTapeLineCount": 1243770.00,
"AzimuthTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"CheckUpdTimeout": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearErrors": 5000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearHeadsErrors": 2000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOff": 6000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOn": 9000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReboot": 110000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOff": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOn": 10000.00,
"CmdTimeoutRelativeOffset": 2000.00,
"EibConfigFilePath": "/c/Configuration/EIB/multi_ext.txt",
"ElevationCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"ElevationHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"ElevationTapeLineCount": 0.00,
"ElevationTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"FpgaClockRate": 40.00,
"LoggingIp": "",
"SyncTriggerOffset": 365.00,
"SyncTriggerOnTime": 80.00,
"UdpReadingTimeout": 10.00,
"WaitAfterReset": 60.00,
"AzimuthAxis": true,
"EibInputName": "SLOT01:AXIS01",
"HeadName": "TMA-AZ-ENC-AZM-0004",
"NsvLinkid": 4.00,
"PositionGain": 0.00,
"PositionOffset": 932828.00
"Head2": {
"AzimuthCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"AzimuthHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"AzimuthTapeLineCount": 1243770.00,
"AzimuthTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"CheckUpdTimeout": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearErrors": 5000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearHeadsErrors": 2000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOff": 6000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOn": 9000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReboot": 110000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOff": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOn": 10000.00,
"CmdTimeoutRelativeOffset": 2000.00,
"EibConfigFilePath": "/c/Configuration/EIB/multi_ext.txt",
"ElevationCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"ElevationHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"ElevationTapeLineCount": 0.00,
"ElevationTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"FpgaClockRate": 40.00,
"LoggingIp": "",
"SyncTriggerOffset": 365.00,
"SyncTriggerOnTime": 80.00,
"UdpReadingTimeout": 10.00,
"WaitAfterReset": 60.00,
"AzimuthAxis": false,
"EibInputName": "SLOT01:AXIS02",
"HeadName": "TMA-AZ-ENC-ELV-0003",
"NsvLinkid": 3.00,
"PositionGain": 0.00,
"PositionOffset": 0.00
"Head3": {
"AzimuthCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"AzimuthHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"AzimuthTapeLineCount": 1243770.00,
"AzimuthTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"CheckUpdTimeout": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearErrors": 5000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearHeadsErrors": 2000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOff": 6000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOn": 9000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReboot": 110000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOff": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOn": 10000.00,
"CmdTimeoutRelativeOffset": 2000.00,
"EibConfigFilePath": "/c/Configuration/EIB/multi_ext.txt",
"ElevationCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"ElevationHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"ElevationTapeLineCount": 0.00,
"ElevationTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"FpgaClockRate": 40.00,
"LoggingIp": "",
"SyncTriggerOffset": 365.00,
"SyncTriggerOnTime": 80.00,
"UdpReadingTimeout": 10.00,
"WaitAfterReset": 60.00,
"AzimuthAxis": true,
"EibInputName": "SLOT02:AXIS01",
"HeadName": "TMA-AZ-ENC-AZM-0003",
"NsvLinkid": 3.00,
"PositionGain": 0.00,
"PositionOffset": 621885.00
"Head4": {
"AzimuthCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"AzimuthHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"AzimuthTapeLineCount": 1243770.00,
"AzimuthTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"CheckUpdTimeout": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearErrors": 5000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearHeadsErrors": 2000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOff": 6000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOn": 9000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReboot": 110000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOff": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOn": 10000.00,
"CmdTimeoutRelativeOffset": 2000.00,
"EibConfigFilePath": "/c/Configuration/EIB/multi_ext.txt",
"ElevationCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"ElevationHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"ElevationTapeLineCount": 0.00,
"ElevationTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"FpgaClockRate": 40.00,
"LoggingIp": "",
"SyncTriggerOffset": 365.00,
"SyncTriggerOnTime": 80.00,
"UdpReadingTimeout": 10.00,
"WaitAfterReset": 60.00,
"AzimuthAxis": false,
"EibInputName": "SLOT02:AXIS02",
"HeadName": "TMA-AZ-ENC-ELV-0001",
"NsvLinkid": 1.00,
"PositionGain": -0.00,
"PositionOffset": 0.00
"Head5": {
"AzimuthCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"AzimuthHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"AzimuthTapeLineCount": 1243770.00,
"AzimuthTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"CheckUpdTimeout": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearErrors": 5000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearHeadsErrors": 2000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOff": 6000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOn": 9000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReboot": 110000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOff": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOn": 10000.00,
"CmdTimeoutRelativeOffset": 2000.00,
"EibConfigFilePath": "/c/Configuration/EIB/multi_ext.txt",
"ElevationCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"ElevationHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"ElevationTapeLineCount": 0.00,
"ElevationTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"FpgaClockRate": 40.00,
"LoggingIp": "",
"SyncTriggerOffset": 365.00,
"SyncTriggerOnTime": 80.00,
"UdpReadingTimeout": 10.00,
"WaitAfterReset": 60.00,
"AzimuthAxis": true,
"EibInputName": "SLOT03:AXIS01",
"HeadName": "TMA-AZ-ENC-AZM-0001",
"NsvLinkid": 1.00,
"PositionGain": 0.00,
"PositionOffset": 0.00
"Head6": {
"AzimuthCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"AzimuthHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"AzimuthTapeLineCount": 1243770.00,
"AzimuthTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"CheckUpdTimeout": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearErrors": 5000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearHeadsErrors": 2000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOff": 6000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOn": 9000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReboot": 110000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOff": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOn": 10000.00,
"CmdTimeoutRelativeOffset": 2000.00,
"EibConfigFilePath": "/c/Configuration/EIB/multi_ext.txt",
"ElevationCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"ElevationHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"ElevationTapeLineCount": 0.00,
"ElevationTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"FpgaClockRate": 40.00,
"LoggingIp": "",
"SyncTriggerOffset": 365.00,
"SyncTriggerOnTime": 80.00,
"UdpReadingTimeout": 10.00,
"WaitAfterReset": 60.00,
"AzimuthAxis": false,
"EibInputName": "SLOT03:AXIS02",
"HeadName": "TMA-AZ-ENC-ELV-0004",
"NsvLinkid": 4.00,
"PositionGain": 0.00,
"PositionOffset": 21628.00
"Head7": {
"AzimuthCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"AzimuthHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"AzimuthTapeLineCount": 1243770.00,
"AzimuthTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"CheckUpdTimeout": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearErrors": 5000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearHeadsErrors": 2000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOff": 6000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOn": 9000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReboot": 110000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOff": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOn": 10000.00,
"CmdTimeoutRelativeOffset": 2000.00,
"EibConfigFilePath": "/c/Configuration/EIB/multi_ext.txt",
"ElevationCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"ElevationHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"ElevationTapeLineCount": 0.00,
"ElevationTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"FpgaClockRate": 40.00,
"LoggingIp": "",
"SyncTriggerOffset": 365.00,
"SyncTriggerOnTime": 80.00,
"UdpReadingTimeout": 10.00,
"WaitAfterReset": 60.00,
"AzimuthAxis": true,
"EibInputName": "SLOT04:AXIS01",
"HeadName": "TMA-AZ-ENC-AZM-0002",
"NsvLinkid": 2.00,
"PositionGain": 0.00,
"PositionOffset": 310942.00
"Head8": {
"AzimuthCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"AzimuthHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"AzimuthTapeLineCount": 1243770.00,
"AzimuthTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"CheckUpdTimeout": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearErrors": 5000.00,
"CmdTimeoutClearHeadsErrors": 2000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOff": 6000.00,
"CmdTimeoutPowerOn": 9000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReboot": 110000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOff": 4000.00,
"CmdTimeoutReferenceOn": 10000.00,
"CmdTimeoutRelativeOffset": 2000.00,
"EibConfigFilePath": "/c/Configuration/EIB/multi_ext.txt",
"ElevationCriticalActiveHeads": 2.00,
"ElevationHeadsReferenceThreshold[i.u]": 10.00,
"ElevationTapeLineCount": 0.00,
"ElevationTelescopeOffset": 0.00,
"FpgaClockRate": 40.00,
"LoggingIp": "",
"SyncTriggerOffset": 365.00,
"SyncTriggerOnTime": 80.00,
"UdpReadingTimeout": 10.00,
"WaitAfterReset": 60.00,
"AzimuthAxis": false,
"EibInputName": "SLOT04:AXIS02",
"HeadName": "TMA-AZ-ENC-ELV-0002",
"NsvLinkid": 2.00,
"PositionGain": -0.00,
"PositionOffset": -21628.00
"LockingPins": {
"LockingPin1": {
"Elevationposninetyminus": 89.00,
"Elevationposninetyplus": 91.00,
"Elevationposzerominus": -1.00,
"Elevationposzeroplus": 1.00,
"Systemsource": "1400.LP",
"Defaultacceleration": 1000.00,
"Defaultjerk": 4000.00,
"Defaultspeed": 2.00,
"Freeposition": 0.00,
"IdString": "LP X+",
"Lockposition": 80.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 7.60,
"MaxPosition": 82.00,
"MaxSpeed": 7.50,
"MinPosition": -3.00,
"Motorid": 19.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 140.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 10000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 10000.00,
"ResettransTimeout": 5000.00,
"SpeedLimit": 7.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 500.00,
"Testposition": 40.00
"LockingPin2": {
"Elevationposninetyminus": 89.00,
"Elevationposninetyplus": 91.00,
"Elevationposzerominus": -1.00,
"Elevationposzeroplus": 1.00,
"Systemsource": "1400.LP",
"Defaultacceleration": 1000.00,
"Defaultjerk": 4000.00,
"Defaultspeed": 2.00,
"Freeposition": 0.00,
"IdString": "LP X-",
"Lockposition": 80.00,
"MaxCriticalSpeed": 7.60,
"MaxPosition": 82.00,
"MaxSpeed": 7.50,
"MinPosition": -3.00,
"Motorid": 20.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 140.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 10000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 10000.00,
"ResettransTimeout": 5000.00,
"SpeedLimit": 7.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 500.00,
"Testposition": 40.00
"MainAxis": {
"Azimuth": {
"AllowRelativeMovements": true,
"CommandRelativeMovements": false,
"ControlAccelerationFeedforwardGain": 0.00,
"ControlDampingActive": true,
"ControlDampingXDirectionGain": 0.00,
"ControlDampingYDirectionGain": 0.00,
"ControlInertia": 8670000.00,
"ControlIntegralDisabled": false,
"ControlKp(speedErrorGain)": 30.00,
"ControlKv(positionErrorGain)": 7.00,
"ControlMaximunTorqueVariation": 6500.00,
"ControlSpeedFeedforwardGain": 0.00,
"ControlTi(integralTime)": 0.10,
"EuiDefaultAcceleration": 3.00,
"EuiDefaultJerk": 14.00,
"EuiDefaultVelocity": 0.50,
"EuiMaxAcceleration": 10.00,
"EuiMaxJerk": 48.00,
"EuiMaxVelocity": 10.10,
"HhdDefaultAcceleration": 0.50,
"HhdDefaultJerk": 1.00,
"HhdDefaultVelocity": 0.50,
"HhdMaxAcceleration": 1.00,
"HhdMaxJerk": 28.00,
"HhdMaxVelocity": 1.00,
"HommingAcceleration": 0.10,
"HommingJerk": 1.00,
"HommingSpeed": 0.10,
"HommingStartInPositiveDirection": true,
"InPositionMargin": 0.01,
"LimitsActiveDrives": 16.00,
"LimitsAzcwCriticalDeviationValue": 5.00,
"LimitsAzcwDeviationEnable": false,
"LimitsAzcwMaximumDeviationValue": 4.00,
"LimitsFollowingErrorEnable": true,
"LimitsFollowingErrorValue": 5.00,
"LimitsMaxPositionEnable": true,
"LimitsMaxPositionValue": 260.00,
"LimitsMinPositionEnable": true,
"LimitsMinPositionValue": -260.00,
"LimitsNegativeAdjustableSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsNegativeAdjustableSoftwareLimitValue": -265.00,
"LimitsNegativeLimitSwitchEnable": true,
"LimitsNegativeOperationalLimitSwitchEnable": false,
"LimitsNegativePositiveSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsNegativeSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsNegativeSoftwareLimitValue": -265.00,
"LimitsOverspeedEnable": true,
"LimitsOverspeedValue": 8.50,
"LimitsOverspeedWarningValue": 8.00,
"LimitsPositiveAdjustableSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsPositiveAdjustableSoftwareLimitValue": 265.00,
"LimitsPositiveLimitSwitchEnable": true,
"LimitsPositiveOperationalLimitSwitchEnable": false,
"LimitsPositiveSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsPositiveSoftwareLimitValue": 265.00,
"LimitsSoftmotionNegativeSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsSoftmotionNegativeSoftwareLimitValue": -275.00,
"LimitsSoftmotionPositiveSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsSoftmotionPositiveSoftwareLimitValue": 275.00,
"OverrideDefaultAcceleration": 0.20,
"OverrideDefaultJerk": 1.00,
"OverrideDefaultVelocity": 0.10,
"OverrideMaxAcceleration": 0.50,
"OverrideMaxJerk": 28.00,
"OverrideMaxVelocity": 0.10,
"SoftmotionErrorStopAcceleration": 7.00,
"SoftmotionErrorStopJerk": 48.00,
"SoftmotionInPositionMargin": 0.00,
"SoftmotionMaxAcceleration": 10.50,
"SoftmotionMaxJerk": 50.00,
"SoftmotionMaxSpeed": 10.50,
"SoftmotionMaximumTorquePerDrive": 118000.00,
"SoftmotionMinimunDrivesForNoFault": 8.00,
"SoftmotionNoReceivedDataCounterAlarmValue": 5000.00,
"SoftmotionNoReceivedDataCounterWarningValue": 3001.00,
"SoftmotionNumberOfElectricTurns": 700.00,
"SoftmotionSpeedFromPosition": true,
"SoftmotionTrackingMarginAcceleration": 1.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMarginJerk": 9.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMarginSpeed": 1.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMaxAcceleration": 7.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMaxJerk": 48.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMaxSpeed": 7.00,
"StabilizationTime": 1000.00,
"SubsystemPath": "100.Azimuth",
"TcsDefaultAcceleration": 1.00,
"TcsDefaultJerk": 14.00,
"TcsDefaultVelocity": 2.00,
"TcsMaxAcceleration": 7.00,
"TcsMaxJerk": 28.00,
"TcsMaxVelocity": 7.00,
"TimeoutForAckCw": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForAckEib": 1500.00,
"TimeoutForAxisDisable": 200.00,
"TimeoutForAxisEnable": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForBrakeEngage": 20000.00,
"TimeoutForBrakeRelease": 60000.00,
"TimeoutForCableWrapPowerOff": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForCableWrapPowerOn": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForEnabletracking": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForFaultStop": 130.00,
"TimeoutForHomming": 40000.00,
"TimeoutForPowerOff": 300000.00,
"TimeoutForPowerOn": 300000.00,
"TimeoutForReset": 30000.00,
"TimeoutForResetAxis": 2000.00,
"TimeoutForStop": 150.00,
"TimeoutForStopInHoming": 300.00,
"TimeoutMoveMargin": 150.00,
"TrakingConsecutiveTrackingCommandTimeout": 1000.00,
"TrakingFirstTrackingCommandTimeout": 5000.00,
"TrakingTimeOffset": 0.00
"Elevation": {
"AllowRelativeMovements": true,
"CommandRelativeMovements": false,
"ControlAccelerationFeedforwardGain": 0.00,
"ControlDampingActive": true,
"ControlDampingXDirectionGain": 0.00,
"ControlDampingYDirectionGain": 0.00,
"ControlInertia": 8670000.00,
"ControlIntegralDisabled": false,
"ControlKp(speedErrorGain)": 30.00,
"ControlKv(positionErrorGain)": 7.00,
"ControlMaximunTorqueVariation": 6500.00,
"ControlSpeedFeedforwardGain": 0.00,
"ControlTi(integralTime)": 0.10,
"EuiDefaultAcceleration": 3.00,
"EuiDefaultJerk": 14.00,
"EuiDefaultVelocity": 0.50,
"EuiMaxAcceleration": 5.00,
"EuiMaxJerk": 24.00,
"EuiMaxVelocity": 5.00,
"HhdDefaultAcceleration": 0.50,
"HhdDefaultJerk": 1.00,
"HhdDefaultVelocity": 0.50,
"HhdMaxAcceleration": 1.00,
"HhdMaxJerk": 28.00,
"HhdMaxVelocity": 1.00,
"HommingAcceleration": 0.50,
"HommingJerk": 5.00,
"HommingSpeed": 0.10,
"HommingStartInPositiveDirection": true,
"InPositionMargin": 0.01,
"LimitsActiveDrives": 12.00,
"LimitsFollowingErrorEnable": false,
"LimitsFollowingErrorValue": 5.00,
"LimitsMaxPositionEnable": true,
"LimitsMaxPositionValue": 86.40,
"LimitsMinPositionEnable": true,
"LimitsMinPositionValue": 15.10,
"LimitsNegativeAdjustableSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsNegativeAdjustableSoftwareLimitValue": 15.10,
"LimitsNegativeLimitSwitchEnable": true,
"LimitsNegativeOperationalLimitSwitchEnable": true,
"LimitsNegativeSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsNegativeSoftwareLimitValue": -0.10,
"LimitsOverspeedEnable": true,
"LimitsOverspeedValue": 5.20,
"LimitsOverspeedWarningValue": 5.10,
"LimitsPositiveAdjustableSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsPositiveAdjustableSoftwareLimitValue": 86.40,
"LimitsPositiveLimitSwitchEnable": true,
"LimitsPositiveOperationalLimitSwitchEnable": true,
"LimitsPositiveSoftwareLimitEnable": true,
"LimitsPositiveSoftwareLimitValue": 90.10,
"LimitsSoftmotionNegativeSoftwareLimitEnable": false,
"LimitsSoftmotionNegativeSoftwareLimitValue": -3.00,
"LimitsSoftmotionPositiveSoftwareLimitEnable": false,
"LimitsSoftmotionPositiveSoftwareLimitValue": 93.00,
"OverrideDefaultAcceleration": 0.20,
"OverrideDefaultJerk": 1.00,
"OverrideDefaultVelocity": 0.10,
"OverrideMaxAcceleration": 0.50,
"OverrideMaxJerk": 28.00,
"OverrideMaxVelocity": 0.10,
"SoftmotionErrorStopAcceleration": 3.50,
"SoftmotionErrorStopJerk": 24.00,
"SoftmotionInPositionMargin": 0.00,
"SoftmotionMaxAcceleration": 5.50,
"SoftmotionMaxJerk": 25.00,
"SoftmotionMaxSpeed": 5.50,
"SoftmotionMaximumTorquePerDrive": 24000.00,
"SoftmotionMinimunDrivesForNoFault": 5.00,
"SoftmotionNoReceivedDataCounterAlarmValue": 5000.00,
"SoftmotionNoReceivedDataCounterWarningValue": 3001.00,
"SoftmotionNumberOfElectricTurns": 390.00,
"SoftmotionSpeedFromPosition": true,
"SoftmotionTrackingMarginAcceleration": 1.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMarginJerk": 9.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMarginSpeed": 1.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMaxAcceleration": 3.50,
"SoftmotionTrackingMaxJerk": 24.00,
"SoftmotionTrackingMaxSpeed": 5.00,
"StabilizationTime": 1000.00,
"SubsystemPath": "400.Elevation",
"TcsDefaultAcceleration": 1.00,
"TcsDefaultJerk": 14.00,
"TcsDefaultVelocity": 2.00,
"TcsMaxAcceleration": 7.00,
"TcsMaxJerk": 28.00,
"TcsMaxVelocity": 7.00,
"TimeoutForAckCw": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForAckEib": 1500.00,
"TimeoutForAxisDisable": 200.00,
"TimeoutForAxisEnable": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForBrakeEngage": 20000.00,
"TimeoutForBrakeRelease": 60000.00,
"TimeoutForCableWrapPowerOff": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForCableWrapPowerOn": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForEnabletracking": 1000.00,
"TimeoutForFaultStop": 130.00,
"TimeoutForHomming": 40000.00,
"TimeoutForPowerOff": 300000.00,
"TimeoutForPowerOn": 300000.00,
"TimeoutForReset": 30000.00,
"TimeoutForResetAxis": 2000.00,
"TimeoutForStop": 150.00,
"TimeoutForStopInHoming": 300.00,
"TimeoutMoveMargin": 150.00,
"TrakingConsecutiveTrackingCommandTimeout": 1000.00,
"TrakingFirstTrackingCommandTimeout": 5000.00,
"TrakingTimeOffset": 0.00
"MainAxisSoftMotion": {
"Azimuth": {},
"Elevation": {}
"MainCabinetTemperature": {
"MainCabinet": {
"CriticalHighCabinetTemperature": 45.00,
"CriticalLowCabinetTemperature": 4.00,
"Exitsetpoint": 20.00,
"HighCabinetTemperature": 43.00,
"HighSurfaceTemperature": 5.00,
"IdString": "",
"LowCabinetTemperature": 5.00,
"LowSurfaceTemperature": -5.00,
"LowerLimitHysteresisRelative": 2.00,
"MaximumSetpointTemperature": 35.00,
"MinimumSetpointTemperature": 5.00,
"Systemsource": "1300.MainCabinet",
"UpperLimitHysteresisRelative": 2.00
"MainPowerSupply": {
"MainPowerSupply": {
"Systemsource": "600.MPS",
"CwPowerOff": 0.00,
"CwPowerOn": 0.00,
"CwReset": 0.00,
"Maxcurrent": 75.00,
"Maxcurrentwarning": 70.00,
"Minvoltage": 500.00,
"Minvoltagewarning": 550.00,
"PoweringTimeOut": 150000.00,
"ResetingTime": 1000.00,
"WaitPowerOffInFault": 5000.00
"MirrorCover": {
"MC1": {
"Minelevationposition": 15.00,
"Systemsource": "900.MC",
"WaittransTimeout": 60000.00,
"CriticalMaxMotorVelocity": 25.00,
"DeployedPosition": 134.00,
"ErrorId": "900",
"IdString": "MC X+",
"Idstringstocheck": "MC Y-,MC Y+,MCL Y-,MCL X+,MCL Y+,MCL X-",
"Inrangemargin": 8.00,
"Isontop": false,
"JogSpeed": 10.00,
"MaxAnglePosition": 135.00,
"MaxSpeed": 25.00,
"MinAnglePosition": 1.00,
"MotorAcceleration": 60.00,
"MotorDeceleration": 60.00,
"MotorId": 5.00,
"MotorJerk": 120.00,
"MotorMaxVelocity": 22.00,
"MotorVelocity": 20.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 180.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 3000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 5000.00,
"Openorder": false,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"RetractedPosition": 2.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"MC2": {
"Minelevationposition": 15.00,
"Systemsource": "900.MC",
"WaittransTimeout": 60000.00,
"CriticalMaxMotorVelocity": 25.00,
"DeployedPosition": 134.00,
"ErrorId": "900",
"IdString": "MC Y+",
"Idstringstocheck": "MC X+,MC X-,MCL Y-,MCL X+,MCL Y+,MCL X-",
"Inrangemargin": 8.00,
"Isontop": true,
"JogSpeed": 10.00,
"MaxAnglePosition": 135.00,
"MaxSpeed": 25.00,
"MinAnglePosition": 1.00,
"MotorAcceleration": 60.00,
"MotorDeceleration": 60.00,
"MotorId": 7.00,
"MotorJerk": 120.00,
"MotorMaxVelocity": 22.00,
"MotorVelocity": 20.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 180.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 3000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 5000.00,
"Openorder": true,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"RetractedPosition": 2.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"MC3": {
"Minelevationposition": 15.00,
"Systemsource": "900.MC",
"WaittransTimeout": 60000.00,
"CriticalMaxMotorVelocity": 25.00,
"DeployedPosition": 134.00,
"ErrorId": "900",
"IdString": "MC X-",
"Idstringstocheck": "MC Y+,MC Y-,MCL Y-,MCL X+,MCL Y+,MCL X-",
"Inrangemargin": 8.00,
"Isontop": false,
"JogSpeed": 10.00,
"MaxAnglePosition": 135.00,
"MaxSpeed": 25.00,
"MinAnglePosition": 1.00,
"MotorAcceleration": 60.00,
"MotorDeceleration": 60.00,
"MotorId": 9.00,
"MotorJerk": 120.00,
"MotorMaxVelocity": 22.00,
"MotorVelocity": 20.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 180.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 3000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 5000.00,
"Openorder": false,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"RetractedPosition": 2.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"MC4": {
"Minelevationposition": 15.00,
"Systemsource": "900.MC",
"WaittransTimeout": 60000.00,
"CriticalMaxMotorVelocity": 25.00,
"DeployedPosition": 134.00,
"ErrorId": "900",
"IdString": "MC Y-",
"Idstringstocheck": "MC X+,MC X-,MCL Y-,MCL X+,MCL Y+,MCL X-",
"Inrangemargin": 8.00,
"Isontop": true,
"JogSpeed": 10.00,
"MaxAnglePosition": 135.00,
"MaxSpeed": 25.00,
"MinAnglePosition": 1.00,
"MotorAcceleration": 60.00,
"MotorDeceleration": 60.00,
"MotorId": 11.00,
"MotorJerk": 120.00,
"MotorMaxVelocity": 22.00,
"MotorVelocity": 20.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 180.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 3000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 5000.00,
"Openorder": true,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"RetractedPosition": 2.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"MirrorCoverLocks": {
"MCL1": {
"Systemsource": "1500.MC",
"CriticalMaxMotorVelocity": 50.00,
"ErrorId": "1500",
"IdString": "MCL X+",
"Idstringstocheck": "MC X+,MC Y+,MC X-,MC Y-",
"Inrangemargin": 8.00,
"JogSpeed": 20.00,
"LockedPosition": 5.00,
"MaxAnglePosition": 173.00,
"MaxSpeed": 50.00,
"MinAnglePosition": 3.00,
"MotorAcceleration": 180.00,
"MotorDeceleration": 180.00,
"MotorId": 6.00,
"MotorJerk": 360.00,
"MotorMaxVelocity": 48.00,
"MotorVelocity": 45.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 150.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 3000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"UnlockedPosition": 170.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"MCL2": {
"Systemsource": "1500.MC",
"CriticalMaxMotorVelocity": 50.00,
"ErrorId": "1500",
"IdString": "MCL Y+",
"Idstringstocheck": "MC X+,MC Y+,MC X-,MC Y-",
"Inrangemargin": 8.00,
"JogSpeed": 20.00,
"LockedPosition": 5.00,
"MaxAnglePosition": 173.00,
"MaxSpeed": 50.00,
"MinAnglePosition": 3.00,
"MotorAcceleration": 180.00,
"MotorDeceleration": 180.00,
"MotorId": 8.00,
"MotorJerk": 360.00,
"MotorMaxVelocity": 48.00,
"MotorVelocity": 45.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 150.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 3000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"UnlockedPosition": 170.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"MCL3": {
"Systemsource": "1500.MC",
"CriticalMaxMotorVelocity": 50.00,
"ErrorId": "1500",
"IdString": "MCL X-",
"Idstringstocheck": "MC X+,MC Y+,MC X-,MC Y-",
"Inrangemargin": 8.00,
"JogSpeed": 20.00,
"LockedPosition": 5.00,
"MaxAnglePosition": 173.00,
"MaxSpeed": 50.00,
"MinAnglePosition": 3.00,
"MotorAcceleration": 180.00,
"MotorDeceleration": 180.00,
"MotorId": 10.00,
"MotorJerk": 360.00,
"MotorMaxVelocity": 48.00,
"MotorVelocity": 45.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 150.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 3000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"UnlockedPosition": 170.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"MCL4": {
"Systemsource": "1500.MC",
"CriticalMaxMotorVelocity": 50.00,
"ErrorId": "1500",
"IdString": "MCL Y-",
"Idstringstocheck": "MC X+,MC Y+,MC X-,MC Y-",
"Inrangemargin": 8.00,
"JogSpeed": 20.00,
"LockedPosition": 5.00,
"MaxAnglePosition": 173.00,
"MaxSpeed": 50.00,
"MinAnglePosition": 3.00,
"MotorAcceleration": 180.00,
"MotorDeceleration": 180.00,
"MotorId": 12.00,
"MotorJerk": 360.00,
"MotorMaxVelocity": 48.00,
"MotorVelocity": 45.00,
"MovevelocityTrnsTimeout": -1.00,
"MoveTransTimemargin": 150.00,
"OfftransTimeout": 3000.00,
"OntransTimeout": 3000.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"StoptransTimeout": 3000.00,
"UnlockedPosition": 170.00,
"Waitafterreset": 0.00
"ModbusTemperatureControllers": {
"TMA_AX_DZ_CBT_0001": {
"Systemsource": "2600.ModbusTemperature",
"Tasksamplingtime": 1000.00,
"Commandtimeout": 10000.00,
"IdString": "TMA_AX_DZ_CBT_0001",
"Modbusserverconfigfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_AX_DZ_CBT_0001_config.ini",
"Modbusservermappingfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_AX_DZ_CBT_0001_mapping.txt",
"Resetvalue": 0.00,
"Sendresetvalue": false,
"Temperatureconversionread": 0.10,
"Temperatureconversionwrite": 10.00,
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00
"TMA_AZ_PD_CBT_0001": {
"Systemsource": "2600.ModbusTemperature",
"Tasksamplingtime": 1000.00,
"Commandtimeout": 10000.00,
"IdString": "TMA_AZ_PD_CBT_0001",
"Modbusserverconfigfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_AZ_PD_CBT_0001_config.ini",
"Modbusservermappingfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_AZ_PD_TRM_0001_mapping.txt",
"Resetvalue": 0.00,
"Sendresetvalue": false,
"Temperatureconversionread": 0.10,
"Temperatureconversionwrite": 10.00,
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00
"TMA_AZ_PD_TRM_0001": {
"Systemsource": "2600.ModbusTemperature",
"Tasksamplingtime": 1000.00,
"Commandtimeout": 10000.00,
"IdString": "TMA_AZ_PD_TRM_0001",
"Modbusserverconfigfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_AZ_PD_TRM_0001_config.ini",
"Modbusservermappingfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_AZ_PD_CBT_0001_mapping.txt",
"Resetvalue": 0.00,
"Sendresetvalue": false,
"Temperatureconversionread": 0.10,
"Temperatureconversionwrite": 10.00,
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00
"TMA_EL_PD_CBT_0001": {
"Systemsource": "2600.ModbusTemperature",
"Tasksamplingtime": 1000.00,
"Commandtimeout": 10000.00,
"IdString": "TMA_EL_PD_CBT_0001",
"Modbusserverconfigfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_EL_PD_CBT_0001_config.ini",
"Modbusservermappingfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_EL_PD_CBT_0001_mapping.txt",
"Resetvalue": 0.00,
"Sendresetvalue": false,
"Temperatureconversionread": 0.10,
"Temperatureconversionwrite": 10.00,
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00
"TMA_EL_PD_CBT_0002": {
"Systemsource": "2600.ModbusTemperature",
"Tasksamplingtime": 1000.00,
"Commandtimeout": 10000.00,
"IdString": "TMA_EL_PD_CBT_0002",
"Modbusserverconfigfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_EL_PD_CBT_0002_config.ini",
"Modbusservermappingfilepath": "/c/Configuration/ModbusTemperatureControllers/TMA_EL_PD_CBT_0002_mapping.txt",
"Resetvalue": 0.00,
"Sendresetvalue": false,
"Temperatureconversionread": 0.10,
"Temperatureconversionwrite": 10.00,
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00
"MotorThermalControl": {
"AzimuthGroup1": {
"Ambienttemperatureoffset": -1.00,
"AutotuneControllerType": 2.00,
"AutotuneStepAmplitude": 40.00,
"AutotuneTimeConstantFator": 0.10,
"ControlAlpha": 0.00,
"ControlKp": 176.43,
"ControlTd": 0.47,
"ControlTi": 2.15,
"IdString": "AZDTgroup1",
"PlantDelayTime": 176.53,
"PlantProcessGain": 0.00,
"PlantTimeConstant": 40.97,
"Systemsource": "1600.AZDT",
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00,
"TimeoutPoweron": 500000.00,
"Valvedisabledaperture": 40.00,
"Valveinpositiontimeout": 100.00,
"Valveoutputhigh": 100.00,
"Valveoutputlow": 0.00,
"Valvevalidband": 5.00
"AzimuthGroup2": {
"Ambienttemperatureoffset": -1.00,
"AutotuneControllerType": 2.00,
"AutotuneStepAmplitude": 40.00,
"AutotuneTimeConstantFator": 0.10,
"ControlAlpha": 0.00,
"ControlKp": 179.44,
"ControlTd": 0.47,
"ControlTi": 2.15,
"IdString": "AZDTgroup2",
"PlantDelayTime": 176.53,
"PlantProcessGain": 0.00,
"PlantTimeConstant": 40.97,
"Systemsource": "1600.AZDT",
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00,
"TimeoutPoweron": 500000.00,
"Valvedisabledaperture": 40.00,
"Valveinpositiontimeout": 100.00,
"Valveoutputhigh": 100.00,
"Valveoutputlow": 0.00,
"Valvevalidband": 5.00
"AzimuthGroup3": {
"Ambienttemperatureoffset": -1.00,
"AutotuneControllerType": 2.00,
"AutotuneStepAmplitude": 40.00,
"AutotuneTimeConstantFator": 0.10,
"ControlAlpha": 0.00,
"ControlKp": 179.44,
"ControlTd": 0.47,
"ControlTi": 2.15,
"IdString": "AZDTgroup3",
"PlantDelayTime": 176.53,
"PlantProcessGain": 0.00,
"PlantTimeConstant": 40.97,
"Systemsource": "1600.AZDT",
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00,
"TimeoutPoweron": 500000.00,
"Valvedisabledaperture": 40.00,
"Valveinpositiontimeout": 100.00,
"Valveoutputhigh": 100.00,
"Valveoutputlow": 0.00,
"Valvevalidband": 5.00
"AzimuthGroup4": {
"Ambienttemperatureoffset": -1.00,
"AutotuneControllerType": 2.00,
"AutotuneStepAmplitude": 40.00,
"AutotuneTimeConstantFator": 0.10,
"ControlAlpha": 0.00,
"ControlKp": 179.44,
"ControlTd": 0.47,
"ControlTi": 2.15,
"IdString": "AZDTgroup4",
"PlantDelayTime": 176.53,
"PlantProcessGain": 0.00,
"PlantTimeConstant": 40.97,
"Systemsource": "1600.AZDT",
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00,
"TimeoutPoweron": 500000.00,
"Valvedisabledaperture": 40.00,
"Valveinpositiontimeout": 100.00,
"Valveoutputhigh": 100.00,
"Valveoutputlow": 0.00,
"Valvevalidband": 5.00
"ElevationGroup1": {
"Ambienttemperatureoffset": -1.00,
"AutotuneControllerType": 2.00,
"AutotuneStepAmplitude": 1.00,
"AutotuneTimeConstantFator": 10.00,
"ControlAlpha": 0.00,
"ControlKp": 1.00,
"ControlTd": 0.00,
"ControlTi": 0.00,
"IdString": "ELDTgroup1",
"PlantDelayTime": 1.00,
"PlantProcessGain": 1.00,
"PlantTimeConstant": 1.00,
"Systemsource": "1700.ELDT",
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00,
"TimeoutPoweron": 50000.00,
"Valvedisabledaperture": 40.00,
"Valveinpositiontimeout": 100.00,
"Valveoutputhigh": 100.00,
"Valveoutputlow": 0.00,
"Valvevalidband": 5.00
"ElevationGroup2": {
"Ambienttemperatureoffset": -1.00,
"AutotuneControllerType": 2.00,
"AutotuneStepAmplitude": 1.00,
"AutotuneTimeConstantFator": 10.00,
"ControlAlpha": 0.00,
"ControlKp": 1.00,
"ControlTd": 0.00,
"ControlTi": 0.00,
"IdString": "ELDTgroup2",
"PlantDelayTime": 1.00,
"PlantProcessGain": 1.00,
"PlantTimeConstant": 1.00,
"Systemsource": "1700.ELDT",
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00,
"TimeoutPoweron": 50000.00,
"Valvedisabledaperture": 40.00,
"Valveinpositiontimeout": 100.00,
"Valveoutputhigh": 100.00,
"Valveoutputlow": 0.00,
"Valvevalidband": 5.00
"Cabinet0101": {
"Ambienttemperatureoffset": -1.00,
"AutotuneControllerType": 2.00,
"AutotuneStepAmplitude": 40.00,
"AutotuneTimeConstantFator": 0.10,
"ControlAlpha": 0.00,
"ControlKp": 179.44,
"ControlTd": 0.47,
"ControlTi": 2.15,
"IdString": "Cabinet0101",
"PlantDelayTime": 176.53,
"PlantProcessGain": 0.00,
"PlantTimeConstant": 40.97,
"Systemsource": "1900.Cabinet0101",
"Temperaturedeviationalarm": 5.00,
"Temperaturedeviationreference": -1.00,
"Temperaturedeviationwarning": 3.00,
"TimeoutPoweron": 500000.00,
"Valvedisabledaperture": 40.00,
"Valveinpositiontimeout": 100.00,
"Valveoutputhigh": 100.00,
"Valveoutputlow": 0.00,
"Valvevalidband": 5.00
"OSS": {
"OSS": {
"Cooldownbearingstimeout": 6.00,
"Cooldowntanktimeout": 6.00,
"IdString": "",
"Operationtransitiontimeout": 7.00,
"Poweroffcoolingtimeout": 6.00,
"Poweroffmainpumptimeout": 6.00,
"Poweroffoilcirculationtimeout": 6.00,
"Poweroncoolingtimeout": 6.00,
"Poweronmainpumptimeout": 6.00,
"Poweronoilcirculationtimeout": 6.00,
"Resettingtime": 3000.00,
"Systemsource": "800.OSS",
"Watchdogmaximumtime": 10.00
"Safety": {
"FaultIterationsSafetyNook": 3.00,
"MonitoringRateMs": 100.00,
"Overridecausestimeout": 1000.00,
"Resetcausesnumberofchecks": 6.00,
"ResetcausestimebeforecheckingS": 1.00,
"ResetcausestimebetweencheckingS": 0.50,
"Resetcausestimeout": 5200.00,
"RtToSafetyClockMs": 500.00,
"SafetyClockMs": 3000.00
"TMAMainRT": {
"Aftercomanderlaunchwait": 200.00,
"Beforeazmotorthermallaunchwait": 6500.00,
"Beforeballaunchwait": 4500.00,
"Beforeboschlaunchwait": 3500.00,
"Beforeboschpowersupplylaunchwait": 3000.00,
"Beforecabinet0101launchwait": 7500.00,
"Beforecabinetlaunchwait": 8000.00,
"Beforeccwlaunchwait": 10000.00,
"Beforedplaunchwait": 5500.00,
"Beforeelmotorthermallaunchwait": 7000.00,
"Beforeiotelemetrypublicationlaunchwait": 9500.00,
"Beforelplaunchwait": 4000.00,
"Beforemainaxislaunchwait": 20.00,
"Beforemclaunchwait": 4500.00,
"Beforemcllaunchwait": 5000.00,
"Beforemodbustempcontrollerslaunchwait": 9000.00,
"Beforempslaunchwait": 6000.00,
"Beforeosslaunchwait": 8500.00,
"Beforesafetylaunchwait": 0.00
"TopEndChiller": {
"LocalremoteTimeout": 10000.00,
"PowerOn/offTimeout": 10000.00,
"ResetPulseTime": 1000.00
"TrackingTrajectory": {
"Averagesamplelength": 100.00,
"AzimuthSlewThreshold": 0.00,
"CommandQueueSize": 12000.00,
"ElevationSlewThreshold": 0.00,
"FinalMotionBehaviour": 0.00,
"Maxallowederror": 0.00,
"NumberOfAxes": 2.00,
"ReflexxessDllPath": "C:\\ReflexxesFuncs.dll",
"SynchronizationBehaviour": 3.00,
"TimeSetpointOffset": -0.00,
"WaitForDataBeforeError": 1000.00,
"WaitingTimeForSetpointTime": 50.00,
"WaitingTimeIfNoData": 5000.00
This event reports the available settings sets to be specified by the applySettings command. See example below:
"id": 41,
"timestamp": 3698128943.441208,
"parameters": {
"sets": [{
"name": "AT_CCWAux",
"description": "Set of settings for CCWAux automatic testing",
"modifiedDate": "2019-11-07 16:30:35",
"createdDate": "2019-11-07 08:20:18"
}, {
"name": "MT_CCWAux",
"description": "Set of settings for CCWAux manual testing",
"modifiedDate": "2019-11-07 16:31:03",
"createdDate": "2019-11-07 16:31:03"
}, {
"name": "ATS",
"description": "setting set for ATS",
"modifiedDate": "2020-05-26 10:34:24",
"createdDate": "2020-05-26 10:30:39"
}, {
"name": "Default",
"description": "Default settings",
"modifiedDate": "2020-05-26 10:31:51",
"createdDate": "2020-05-26 10:31:51"
This event can have just one power state, for systems that have no subelements, or an additional field called “elementsPowerState” for systems that can have elements in different states. See examples below:
System with no subelements:
"id": 100,
"timestamp": 3700809100.303714,
"parameters": {
"system": 0,
"powerState": 0
The subsystems that have no subelements are: Azimuth, Elevation, CameraCableWrap, AzimuthCableWrap, OilSupplySystem, AZ0101CabinetThermal, MainCabinet, MainAxesPowerSupply and TopEndChiller.
System with 4 subelements:
"id": 100,
"timestamp": 3700810104.567383,
"parameters": {
"system": 0,
"powerState": 0,
"elementsPowerState": [
The subsystems that have subelements are: Balancing (4), MirrorCover (4), MirrorCoverLocks (4), LockingPins (2), DeployablePlatforms (2), AzimuthDrivesThermal (4), ElevationDrivesThermal (2) and ModbusTemperatureControllers (5).
system enum:
"<color:blue><b>system": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "Azimuth",
"1": "Elevation",
"2": "CameraCableWrap",
"3": "Balancing",
"4": "MirrorCover",
"5": "MirrorCoverLocks",
"6": "AzimuthCableWrap",
"7": "LockingPins",
"8": "DeployablePlatforms",
"9": "OilSupplySystem",
"10": "AzimuthDrivesThermal",
"11": "ElevationDrivesThermal",
"12": "AZ0101CabinetThermal",
"13": "ModbusTemperatureControllers",
"14": "MainCabinet",
"15": "MainAxesPowerSupply",
"16": "TopEndChiller"
powerState enum values:
"<color:blue><b>powerState": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "OFF",
"1": "ON",
"2": "FAULT",
"3": "TURNING_ON",
elementsPowerState is an array of powerState enums.
This event publishes the motion state of Azimuth, Elevation and CameraCableWrap. See example below:
"id": 101,
"timestamp": 3700813075.739622,
"parameters": {
"axis": 0,
"state": 0,
"position": 0.00000000
axis enum:
"<color:blue><b>axis": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "Azimuth",
"1": "Elevation",
"2": "CameraCableWrap"
state enum values:
"<color:blue><b>state": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "STOPPING",
"1": "STOPPED",
"3": "JOGGING",
"4": "TRACKING",
position is a float in degrees.
This event reports the state of the oil supply system. See example below:
"id": 102,
"timestamp": 3701053969.999932,
"parameters": {
"cooling": 0,
"oil": 0,
"mainPump": 0
cooling enum values:
"<color:blue><b>cooling": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "OFF",
"1": "ON",
"2": "FAULT",
"3": "TURNING_ON",
oil enum values:
"<color:blue><b>oil": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "OFF",
"1": "ON",
"2": "FAULT",
"3": "TURNING_ON",
mainPump enum values:
"<color:blue><b>mainPump": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "OFF",
"1": "ON",
"2": "FAULT",
"3": "TURNING_ON",
This event reports the state of the MainCabinet, TopEndChiller, Azimuth Drives Thermal, Elevation Drives Thermal, AZ 0101 Cabinet, OSS and ModbusTemperatureControllers. See examples below:
For systems that have no subelements: MainCabinet, TopEndChiller and AZ 0101 Cabinet.
"id": 103,
"timestamp": 3701054317.787135,
"parameters": {
"system": 0,
"chillerMode": [0],
"temperature": [0.00]
For systems that have subelements: Azimuth Drives Thermal (4), Elevation Drives Thermal (2), OSS (3) and ModbusTemperatureControllers(5).
"id": 103,
"timestamp": 3701054465.650976,
"parameters": {
"system": 0,
"chillerMode": [0, 0],
"temperature": [0.00, 0.00]
system enum:
"<color:blue><b>system": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "Azimuth",
"1": "Elevation",
"2": "CameraCableWrap",
"3": "Balancing",
"4": "MirrorCover",
"5": "MirrorCoverLocks",
"6": "AzimuthCableWrap",
"7": "LockingPins",
"8": "DeployablePlatforms",
"9": "OilSupplySystem",
"10": "AzimuthDrivesThermal",
"11": "ElevationDrivesThermal",
"12": "AZ0101CabinetThermal",
"13": "ModbusTemperatureControllers",
"14": "MainCabinet",
"15": "MainAxesPowerSupply",
"16": "TopEndChiller"
chillerMode enum with the following values:
{ "<color:blue><b>system": { "<b>id": "<b>value", "0": "trackingAmbient", "1": "trackingSetpoint", "2": "manualValvePosition" } }
temperature is the actual setpoint as float in degree celsius. Unless the chillerMode is manualValvePosition, that for this engeneering mode the output is valve position in percentage.
This event reports the state of the motion controllers for Azimuth (16), Elevation (12), CCW (2), Balancing (4), MirrorCover (4), MirrorCoverLocks (4), AzimuthCableWrap (2), LockingPins (2) and DeployablePlatforms (4). See example below:
"id": 104,
"timestamp": 3701055564.832080,
"parameters": {
"system": 0,
"motionControllerState": [
system enum:
"<color:blue><b>system": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "Azimuth",
"1": "Elevation",
"2": "CameraCableWrap",
"3": "Balancing",
"4": "MirrorCover",
"5": "MirrorCoverLocks",
"6": "AzimuthCableWrap",
"7": "LockingPins",
"8": "DeployablePlatforms",
"9": "OilSupplySystem",
"10": "AzimuthDrivesThermal",
"11": "ElevationDrivesThermal",
"12": "AZ0101CabinetThermal",
"13": "ModbusTemperatureControllers",
"14": "MainCabinet",
"15": "MainAxesPowerSupply",
"16": "TopEndChiller"
motionControllerState is an array of motionControllerState enum:
"<color:blue><b>motionControllerState": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "OFF",
"1": "ON",
"2": "FAULT"
This event publishes when the Azimuth, Elevation and CameraCableWrap systems are in the desired position. See example below:
"id": 200,
"timestamp": 3700813498.634085,
"parameters": {
"axis": 0,
"inPosition": 0
axis enum:
"<color:blue><b>axis": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "Azimuth",
"1": "Elevation",
"2": "CameraCableWrap"
inPosition is a boolean int (0 false 1 true).
This event reports the position of the elevation locking pins. See example below:
"id": 201,
"timestamp": 3700813897.094651,
"parameters": {
"state": 0,
"elementsState": [
state enum values:
"<color:blue><b>state": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "LOCKED",
"1": "TEST",
"2": "UNLOCKED",
"3": "MOVING",
elementsState is an array of 2 state enums.
This event reports the position of the mirror cover. See example below:
"id": 202,
"timestamp": 3700814173.229395,
"parameters": {
"state": 0,
"elementsState": [
state enum values:
"<color:blue><b>state": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"1": "DEPLOYED",
"4": "LOST"
elementsState is an array of 4 state enums.
This event reports the position of the mirror cover locks. See example below:
"id": 203,
"timestamp": 3701053050.357125,
"parameters": {
"state": 0,
"elementsState": [
state enum values:
"<color:blue><b>state": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"1": "DEPLOYED",
"4": "LOST"
elementsState is an array of 4 state enums.
This event reports the position of the deployable platforms. See example below:
"id": 204,
"timestamp": 3701053793.306807,
"parameters": {
"state": 0,
"elementsState": [
state enum values:
"<color:blue><b>state": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"1": "DEPLOYED",
"4": "LOST"
elementsState is an array of 2 state enums.
This event publishes if Azimuth and Elevation systems are homed. See example below:
"id": 205,
"timestamp": 3700813498.634085,
"parameters": {
"axis": 0,
"homed": 0
axis enum:
"<color:blue><b>axis": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "Azimuth",
"1": "Elevation"
homed is a boolean int (0 false 1 true).
This event reports the tripped status of the limits using a bit mask. See example below:
For systems that have no subelements: Azimuth, Elevation, CCW and AzimuthCableWrap.
"id": 300,
"timestamp": 3700547270.538420,
"parameters": {
"system": 0,
"limits": [
For systems that have several subelements: Balancing (4), MirrorCover (4), MirrorCoverLocks (4), LockingPins (2) and DeployablePlatforms (4).
"id": 300,
"timestamp": 3700547270.538420,
"parameters": {
"system": 0,
"limits": [
system enum:
"<color:blue><b>system": {
"<b>id": "<b>value",
"0": "Azimuth",
"1": "Elevation",
"2": "CameraCableWrap",
"3": "Balancing",
"4": "MirrorCover",
"5": "MirrorCoverLocks",
"6": "AzimuthCableWrap",
"7": "LockingPins",
"8": "DeployablePlatforms",
"9": "OilSupplySystem",
"10": "AzimuthDrivesThermal",
"11": "ElevationDrivesThermal",
"12": "AZ0101CabinetThermal",
"13": "ModbusTemperatureControllers",
"14": "MainCabinet",
"15": "MainAxesPowerSupply",
"16": "TopEndChiller"
limits is an int array for the limits of each system element coded in a bit mask as follows:
bit 0 -> software min, the position of this limit is reported in the detailedSettingsApplied event for the following systems: Azimuth, Elevation, Balancing, CCW and AzimuthCableWrap.
bit 1 -> software max, the position of this limit is reported in the detailedSettingsApplied event for the following systems: Azimuth, Elevation, Balancing, CCW and AzimuthCableWrap.
bit 2 -> travelSwitch min
bit 3 -> travelSwitch max
bit 4 -> safetySwitch min
bit 5 -> safetySwitch max
bit 6 -> adjustableSoftware min (special software limit for Azimuth and Elevation, the position of this limit is reported in the detailedSettingsApplied event)
bit 7 -> adjustableSoftware max (special software limit for Azimuth and Elevation, the position of this limit is reported in the detailedSettingsApplied event)
bit 8 -> operationalSwitch min (special limit switch for Elevation)
bit 9 -> operationalSwitch max (special limit switch for Elevation)
bit 10 -> camera cable wrap deviation negative (special limit switch for deviation between the camera rotator and the camera cable wrap)
bit 11 -> camera cable wrap deviation positive (special limit switch for deviation between the camera rotator and the camera cable wrap)
This event reports the state of the azimuth topple block. See example below:
"id": 304,
"timestamp": 3701054994.342060,
"parameters": {
"reverse": 0,
"forward": 0
reverse is a boolean int (0 false 1 true).
forward is a boolean int (0 false 1 true).
This event reports the state of the ethercat status, state, fault list, slave status, depending on the received command.
"id": 400,
"timestamp": 3701054994.342060,
"parameters": {
"commander": 2,
"eventType": "event type value",
"eventData": {
"status": "ok"
... < rest will depend on the event type value>
The parameters section contains:
eventType: this tells which kind of ethercat status event is contained in the eventData json object
options are:
eventData: this is a json object for the event type data, for more details see documentation on EtherCAT Line Management package by Tekniker
Events generated by the mtmount_operation_manager¶
There are some events that are not generated by the TMA PXI, but reach the top level commanders EUI, HHD and CSC.
This event is sent when a client is connected and when the state of the mtmount_operation_manager changes, it can be “Enable” or “Connecting to PXI”. This event is generated inside the mtmount_operation_manager, coded in C++.
"id": 50,
"timestamp": 1624023925.122738,
"parameters": {
"state": "stateInfoString"
This event is a response to the 2003 (VERSION_INFO) command and reports the version of the mtmount_operation_manager. This event is generated inside the mtmount_operation_manager, coded in C++, and the command never reaches the PXI.
"id": 51,
"timestamp": 1624023925.122738,
"parameters": {
"version": "versionString"